
IPHC FH Ministries.

Our duty is to fulfill the Jesus Christ’ great commission

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15

Who we are:

We are a community of followers of Jesus Christ. Registered in India as a non-profit Christian organization; established in 1999.

About us

We respect all people, we believe all people created by God. Jesus has chosen us to become the people of promise and the people of Hope. Our faith bring Us together and our love for Jesus Christ strengthens Us.


Our vision is to reach people, share the love; uplift the underprivileged peoples group; who need help physical and spiritual aspects. Winning souls for Jesus. Exemplify excellence by cultivating Spirit- filled leaders, committed to serve and sacrifice by understanding each other and to have a safe and supportive community.


The mission is to provide personal growth; counseling and biblical teachings; focus a Christ centered education, anchored in Christian doctrine, and excellent training in classes and equipping for the future.

There are five specific outcomes makes one to be a better person:

Our motives are:-

  • Character Development: It provides an environment conducive to the development of personal, spiritual disciplines and the formation of Christian character.
  • Leadership Development: The development of Christian leaders responsible to God, oneself, and others – leaders with the skills, values, and ethics needed to influence and lead in a variety of environment.
  • Ministry Development: Emphasis on ministry and services, rather than self- advancement. In the preparation of persons with skills for service within the church and society, We promotes attitudes of sensitivity, dedication, and servanthood.
  • Intercultural Awareness: To develop of cross-cultural sensitivity and other awareness which appropriate to the present movement in countries, diverse ethnic, racial and cultural groups.
  • Professional Excellence: We provides an integrated emphasis on academic applied preparation for professional effectiveness. We offers an academic experience for students desiring an accredited biblical studies and liberal arts education within a Christian context.